Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Discovering Political Blogs

I decided to go on Little Green Football’s blog labeled Righty Blog according to Prof. Pimpare. And here there is: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/entry=22542_Blair_Urges_Lifting_of_Palestinian_Sanctions&only

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Blair Urges Lifting of Palestinian Sanctions

Tony Blair has given some excellent speeches recently, full of ringing phrases about the big issues, confronting Islamic fascism, clash of civilizations stuff.

Then he does something like this. Blair urges lifting of Palestinian sanctions.

That’s right. While Hamas has not backed down one iota from their genocidal stance toward Israel, and continues to refuse to renounce terrorism, they make one token meaningless concession and Tony Blair’s ready to cave on the sanctions.

BRIGHTON, England (AFP) - Britain’s Tony Blair urged the lifting of economic sanctions on the Palestinian Authority, so long as a deal on a cabinet of national unity there meets international conditions.

He made the comments a day after returning from a three-day trip to the Middle East, during which he faced protests over his stance notably during the recent conflict between Israel and Hezbollah militants in Lebanon.

“Yesterday’s announcement of a government of national unity in Palestine is precisely what I hoped for,” he said, referring to an agreement under which president Mahmud Abbas is to dissolve the current Hamas-led government.

“On the basis it is faithful to the conditions spelled out by the Quartet, that is the UN, EU, US and Russia, we should lift the economic sanctions on the Palestinian authority,” added the British prime minister.

The comments went from a four words sentence (“he’s an idiot”) to few lines. But, most of them reflected one thing: nobody read whatever the blogger wrote about Tony Blair. They all saw one word “Blair” and automatically a comment came up in their minds, translated into a blog on the internet. All of them were comments coming from rightists. Of course, one could ask himself what is the point of a blog if everybody agrees on the matter, but who said it had to be logic. People like to comfort themselves in their ideas so here is another way to do so. Concerning their political knowledge, for most of them it’s pretty hard to judge, since they just wrote few words. Others are completely ignorant on the question (“Has Cherie Blair converted to Islam yet?”) and comment more to comment than to make a point for a debate which is inexistent anyway. But some of them are actually well written, and the authors actually spent time and efforts composing them. The only thing is that they’re biased to their cause which leave the reader skeptic about anything they write.


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